Note: This view does not use the Truck's coordinates or GPS, Instead we utilize the Supermove Tablet's GPS location, which is activated after a crew member starts the job on their tablet.
The Live Tabin Supermove is intended to provide quick and real-time updates on your crew's whereabouts in relation to a job. This can be helpful when a customer calls into the Office asking for an ETA on the Crew's arrival ~ rather than being tasked with calling the crew the Office can check their status in real-time.
Note: This view does not use the Truck's coordinates or GPS, Instead we utilize the Supermove Tablet's GPS location, which is activated after a crew member starts the job on their tablet.
Start by navigating to the Live Tab on the left-hand toolbar.
Once on the tab, freely navigate the map similar to Google Maps.
The Live Tab is split into two -- one half displays Active Jobs and the other shows Trucks-based active trucks on your account and tablets in the field. We use a combination of trucking information, dispatch details, and tablet data to help provide this view.
Please see the example below, which shows two trucks in comparison to the Warehouse.
On the bottom right corner of the map, click the + and - icons for a closer view of each truck's exact location, similar to navigating Google Maps.
Note: If you have any questions on the Live Tab or a tablets whereabouts, please contact